Everyone believes things, secular or sacred. Belief is what gets us through the day. It's nice to have scientific evidence for things. It's just not 100 per cent necessary or satisfying. Did we add up the scientific evidence for being with our current partner? We might explain it or reverse justify it when we explain it but actually we fell in love becausw we believed in the other person. We're all eclectic mixtures of fact and belief. There is no contradiction between science and religion. That's a false narrative propagated by fundamentalist atheists and fundamentalist religious people. We are a combination of all we know to be factual and all we feel to be real. Saying 'I believe in God' or 'I don't believe in God' are belief statements. That's why new atheists say instead, '...there is no scientific evidence for God'. But so what? It's about faith in God, however you define the Divine, it takes faith to believe, ultimately the rejoinder, 'there is no scientific evidence for God', is irrelevant. It's a faux, triumphant 'final word' for a world view that refuses to acknowledge any other reality than its own.