Saturday, August 29, 2020

Man breaks Laws of Comics, redeems himself after 28 years

I've finally secured one of my five Grails: All-Star Western # 10, first appearance of Jonah Hex!:). It cost me a limb and I could have had it for $5 if only I'd been a little smarter 28 years ago...

In 1992 as a callow, OK very callow, 25 year old Kiwi, more interested in comics than girls, I went to the US and attended all kinds of comics conventions meeting Dave Sim, Neal Adams, Mike Kaluta, David Mazzuchelli, the guy who played the Lone Ranger on the 50s TV show, etc, etc.

By the time I got to the Atlanta con I'd spent uncountable dollars on many comics I'd dreamed of having since I was a child. Leafing through a long box, my heart rate quickened as I spotted a long seam of Jonah Hexes. And then I saw it! All-Star Western # 10 (1972) in VF for $5!!! (Issue # 11 was there too and a run up to the end of Weird Western Tales).

I took it out of the box and thought 'Wow! I'm having this!' But then, Comics Doubt clouded my mind like the Shadow in a swirling pier pub and I thought '...but I've only got $20 left and I need to get the Red Sonja Conan in VF!' So I put the ASW # 10 back. I put it back. Even now I can see myself placing it in the box, thinking 'Jonah isn't popular. It'll still be there when I get back.' It is possible friends, to break multiple Laws of Comics simultaneously.

I go and buy the Conan. Then I rush out to the money machine, my Hex sense tingling as i start to worry. Quick, quick, get the money. Get the Hex!  I zoom past many buxom cosplay girls in revealing costumes. They were simply not important. I arrive sweating in the Southern 35C humid heat back into the con hall and there I see, I see....Noooooo! It's a small fat kid (OK!. Rotund!!) and he's buying ASW # 10!!!! And # 11!!!!!!! Coises!!!!

I glare at him with an admittedly very untimidating stare. He completely ignores me. I console myself by buying the rest of the run and thinking 'oh well, Jonah isn't popular. I'll find it again soon.' Remember what I said about breaking comics laws.

The years go by. I meet a girl. She likes comics:). We get married and have a son. He likes comics:). I get all sorts of other back issues including the highly important Jovian attack squid issue of the Legion of Super Heroes:). And then I turn my attention back to Jonah and discover that ASW # 10 costs hundreds of dollars US.

Older now, I simply roll my eyes at myself and then quietly bring alms to the Comics Gods. For I have broken the Comics Laws, I have not bought a comic as soon as I saw it, I have assumed that an obscure comic will not go massively up in price and I have been distracted by buxom cosplay girls in revealing  costumes (I wasn't quite telling the truth before).

So now in 2020, as a middle-aged man with a son almost the age I was in 92, I took the plunge and splurged the cash and threw in an arm for the postage to NZ. I have to say it was all worth it to hold that baby, very carefully, with my remaining arm and complete a 28 year journey:). I have redeemed myself and Jonah was my saviour.

KIds, don't make the mistakes I did! I mean except for Walking Dead of course, that'll never be popular...


  1. I'm not into comics but I am into books and there are a lot of parallels here. Fear we all break the law of "purchase at first sight"and regret it for many a year. So glad you managed to recover the loss even at 28 years later. Great story and great prose!
    John C( Wellington)

    1. Thank you:). Yes the collector gene makes us go through similar agonies, regrets, joys and drives us on to more of the same!:).

  2. Great story man. Hope the comic was with the wait!

    1. It was man! Gonna read it soon...but with gloves!!:)

  3. Great story Michael, I've certainly been through a similar experience several times! Good to hear you've redeemed yourself...


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