Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Chris Claremont's birthday gift to me

Happy 70th birthday, Chris Claremont!:). From 1980 to about 1988, Uncanny X-Men was my favourite superhero comic, in large part due to Chris Claremont. In retrospect he was prone to overwrite sometimes, like an 80s Don McGregor (whose soaring, yearning, illustrated novel prose, I now appreciate on Jungle Action) but the extended emoting, the exploration of the interior lives of the characters was exactly what I needed as a teenager. 

I needed models of people to say what they felt, so I could. When I reread those X-Men from that period, they take me back not just to the 80s but to the younger version of me. It's nostalgic and uncomfortable at the same time but those X-Men helped me imagine a future for myself that was better than the place I was in. Thank you, Chris:). 

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 Everyone believes things, secular or sacred. Belief is what gets us through the day. It's nice to have scientific evidence for things. ...